
NBC's focus group of undecided Pennsylvania voters had the Illinois Democrat winning by roughly a 60-40 split. Frank Luntz's focus group, over at Fox, showed undecided voters leaning towards Obama because of his position on health care. CBS's focus group of independents had the Democratic nominee winning the debate at 39 percent to McCain's 27 percent, with 35 percent of the respondents saying it was a tie. Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, a Democratic polling firm, had a focus group of undecideds leaning to Obama by a margin of 42 percent to 24 percent.

 オバマ対マケインの大統領選ディベート第2ラウンド。各社の調査を見ても、オバマが優勢。この大恐慌以来とも言える金融危機のなかでは、経済に弱いマケインはやはり劣勢だなあ。副大統領候補のペイリンも経済には無縁の人のようだし・・・。英「Economist」が経済学者に聞いたアンケートがあるのだが(「The Economist's poll of economists/Examining the candidates」)、経済の理解力でオバマが圧倒しているのはわかるとして、経済チームの組織力でもオバマが大差を付けているのは意外だった。マケインって経済関係のブレーンも弱いんだなあ。