Deutsche Bank's chief economist, Norbert Walter, echoed Achermann's remarks on a TV news program on Monday. He said the financial crisis would not be over soon. "The turbulence won't be over before the end of 2009," he said. "We need a new order and a new way of thinking in regulating the finance markets."
ドイツ銀行のエコノミストによると、サブプライム問題に端を発した金融システムの混乱は、2009年末まで終わらないという。バブルの後始末が続くし、バブルを制御するために新たな秩序と資本市場に対する規制に関する新たな考えが必要とされるとも指摘する。米国を中心とした国際金融機関の放埒が今回の混乱を巻き起こしたわけで、それをどう制御するのか、大恐慌のあとと同じように、新たな枠組みが必要になっているんだなあ。で、この文章に出てくる「Achermann」とは、ドイツ銀行CEOのJosef Ackermannのこと。で、Achermannは以下のような発言をしている。
Ackermann said simple rate cuts wouldn't be enough. The reason for the global crisis, he argued, was nervousness in the markets, not the availability of money. "There is not a liquidity bottleneck, but an investors' strike," he said. In his opinion the finance markets were in the middle of a "radical correction" after a speculation bubble; and the subprime crisis in the American real-estate market was playing a key role. He also suggested an international financial watchdog should be created -- a sort of global "council of wise men" that could warn markets of speculation bubbles in the future. "Globally operating banks need globally operating oversight agencies," he said.