
Sen. Hillary Clinton replaced her campaign manager yesterday, the first step in what could be a broader shakeup in her campaign, after Sen. Barack Obama won four weekend contests, turning up the pressure on the one-time Democratic front-runner.
The intensifying race between the two leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination has put a premium on fund raising, strategy and organization -- three of the key responsibilities of a campaign manager.

Maggie Williams, a long-time confidante of Mrs. Clinton who served as her chief of staff when she was first lady, will become campaign chief, succeeding Patti Solis Doyle. Ms. Williams, who was closely associated with Mrs. Clinton at a time when the administration of President Bill Clinton was in frequent partisan conflict with the then-Republican-controlled Congress, is viewed by staffers as a long-time, loyal defender of Mrs. Clinton.

 オバマメーン州でも勝ち、スーパー・チューズデイ以後4連勝。これを受けて、ヒラリー・クリントン選挙対策本部の「campaign manager」が交代。ファースト・レディ時代からの側近がマネージャーを務めることになったという。これで巻き返しということか。オバマの猛追に、それだけ切羽詰まっているともいえるけど。