米BusinessWeekが「Looks a Lot Like Stagflation…」という記事を載せている。
A dark memory still haunts the U.S. economy: The Great Stagflation of 1973-80, a time defined by an uncomfortable mix of high inflation and stagnant growth. Well, everything old is new again, as they say: A number of recent economic reports point to an early 21st century return of the two-headed beast. While nostalgia can be nice-- 1973 brought delights including the Academy Award-winning best picture American Graffiti and Roberta Flack's classic ballad Killing Me Softly-- his is one relic of the not-so-distant past that's best left to the history books.
そうかあ、米国は、1973年から1980年までインフレと不況が同時に経済を苦しめるスタグフレーションに襲われたのだ。石油ショックによる原料価格の高騰による混乱から経済が脱し切るまでに7年もかかったわけか。ベトナム戦争の終結は1975年みたいだから、「The Great Stagflation」が始まったのは、戦争の最中だったんだなあ。イラク戦争ともダブって見えてくる。で、この頃、ジョージ・ルーカスの「アメリカン・グラフィティ」とロバータ・フラックの名曲「やさしく歌って」(Killing Me Softly)がヒットしたのかあ。米国人だと、この2つを上げただけで、この時代を思い出すんだろうなあ。で、そのときの経済と今がどう似てきたかというと・・・。
Unfortunately, the stars may be aligning for stagflation's return. The big implication of the government's recent round of price reports is that inflation is starting to accelerate. The producer price index over the past 12 months has risen 7.4%, according to a government report released Feb. 26--the biggest advance since October, 1981. The consumer price index over the same period is up 4.3% (and in the past three months it has been running at a 6.8% pace). Import prices have risen 13.7% since January, 2007, representing the largest year-over-year increase since the index was first published in September, 1982.