My people. This is the most bigly inauguration crowd in Whole History of inaugurations of huge orange pop-up tyrants. Totally tremendous time. pic.twitter.com/rCvtmjw6rI
— Trump Baby (@TrumpBabyUK) 2018年7月14日
The "Trump baby" balloon takes flight in Edinburgh for Pres. Trump's arrival in Scotland, after flying above crowds of protestors in London during the president's visit to England. https://t.co/vTFsiHsHIT pic.twitter.com/LSFAa0VxIe
— ABC News (@ABC) 2018年7月15日
The "Trump Baby" balloon was transported overnight from London to Edinburgh, Scotland, where thousands are protesting President Trump's visit: https://t.co/H934WMSlTO pic.twitter.com/K4vaLDiLhj
— CBS News (@CBSNews) 2018年7月14日
- 作者: マイケルウォルフ,Michael Wolff,池上彰,関根光宏,藤田美菜子
- 出版社/メーカー: 早川書房
- 発売日: 2018/02/23
- メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)
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